TITLE: ====================================================================== This script outlines the supplement to Cowie et al. estimating the conditional probability of being in a specific class based on specific values of the covariates. This is estimated using a second-step analysis of the CPROB data output saved from the primary analysis in the file titled Cowie DATA OUTPUT.txt. Cowie, L. J., Greaves, L. M., & Sibley, C. G. (2015). Identifying distinct subgroups of Green voters: a latent profile analysis of crux values relating to Green Party support. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 44, 45-60. Updated 13-November-2019 ====================================================================== DATA: FILE IS Cowie DATA OUTPUT.txt; VARIABLE: IDVARIABLE IS subnum; MISSING ARE ALL (9999); NAMES ARE ENVVAL CLIMATE EQUL SOCJUS MAOPOLSU MAORIPOS WEALTH SUBNUM GENT4 AGET4 DEP13T4 ETHEURT4 ETHMAOT4 BORNNZT4 RELIGT4 PARENTT4 PARTNRT4 EMPLOYT4 EDUT4 CPROB1 CPROB2 CPROB3 CPROB4 C; USEVARIABLE ARE CPROB4 GEN AGE DEP EUR MAO BORNNZ RELIG PARENT PARTNR EMPLOY EDU; DEFINE: GEN = GENT4 - 0.313; AGE = AGET4 - 45.870; DEP = DEP13T4 - 4.647; EUR = ETHEURT4 - 0.943; MAO = ETHMAOT4 - 0.123; BORNNZ = BORNNZT4 - 0.800; RELIG = RELIGT4 - 0.282; PARENT = PARENTT4 - 0.637; PARTNR = PARTNRT4 - 0.693; EMPLOY = EMPLOYT4 - 0.782; EDU = EDUT4 - 0.750; ANALYSIS: PROCESSORS = 4; ESTIMATOR = ML; MODEL: CPROB4 ON GEN (a) AGE (b) DEP (c) EUR (d) MAO (e) BORNNZ (f) RELIG (g) PARENT (h) PARTNR (i) EMPLOY (j) EDU (k); [CPROB4](z); MODEL CONSTRAINT: New (Men Wom Eur Eur_n Mao Mao_n Born Born_n Rel Rel_n Parn Parn_n Part Part_n Empl Empl_n pMen pWom pEur pEur_n pMao pMao_n pBorn pBorn_n pRel pRel_n pParn pParn_n pPart pPart_n pEmpl pEmpl_n); Men = 0 - (.315 - 1); Wom = 0 - (.315 - 0); Eur = 0 - (0.943 - 1); Eur_n = 0 - (0.943 - 0); Mao = 0 - (0.123 - 1); Mao_n = 0 - (0.123 - 0); Born = 0 - (0.800 - 1); Born_n = 0 - (0.800 - 0); Rel = 0 - (0.282 - 1); Rel_n = 0 - (0.282 - 0); Parn = 0 - (0.637 - 1); Parn_n = 0 - (0.637 - 0); Part = 0 - (0.693 - 1); Part_n = 0 - (0.693 - 0); Empl = 0 - (0.782 - 1); Empl_n = 0 - (0.782 - 0); pMen = z + (a * Men); pWom = z + (a * Wom); pEur = z + (d * Eur); pEur_n = z + (d * Eur_n); pMao = z + (e * Mao); pMao_n = z + (e * Mao_n); pBorn = z + (f * Born); pBorn_n = z + (f * Born_n); pRel = z + (g * Rel); pRel_n = z + (g * Rel_n); pParn = z + (h * Parn); pParn_n = z + (h * Parn_n); pPart = z + (i * Part); pPart_n = z + (i * Part_n); pEmpl = z + (j * Empl); pEmpl_n = z + (j * Empl_n); OUTPUT: SAMPSTAT;