* Encoding: UTF-8. * Lee, C. H. J., Duck, I. M., & Sibley, C. G. (in press). Confidence in the safety of standard childhood * vaccinations among health professionals in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal. *Estimate means for different classes of health professional, with bootstrap CIs, treating vaccine attitudes *as a continuous variable. BOOTSTRAP /SAMPLING METHOD=SIMPLE /VARIABLES TARGET=HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 INPUT= Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 /CRITERIA CILEVEL=95 CITYPE=BCA NSAMPLES=5000 /MISSING USERMISSING=EXCLUDE. MEANS TABLES=HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 BY Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 /CELLS=MEAN STDDEV COUNT SEMEAN /STATISTICS ANOVA. *creates high/rest category of vaccine attitudes, following coding scheme proposed by Lee et al. RECODE HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 (1 thru 5=0) (6 thru 7=1) INTO VaccCat. EXECUTE. *cross tab of different classes of health professional who are high in vaccine support CROSSTABS /TABLES=Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 BY VaccCat /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ROUND CELL. CROSSTABS /TABLES=Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 BY HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT /COUNT ROUND CELL. *ANOVA with bonferroni and games howell UNIANOVA HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 BY Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /POSTHOC=Occupation.HealthCodes.T05(BONFERRONI GH) /EMMEANS=TABLES(Occupation.HealthCodes.T05) /PRINT=OPOWER ETASQ PARAMETER /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN=Occupation.HealthCodes.T05. *ANCOVA with bonferroni post hoc UNIANOVA HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 BY Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 WITH Age.T05 Gender.T05 EthL2.Maori.T05 EthL2.Pacific.T05 EthL2.Asian.T05 Religious.T05 Parent.T05 Partner.T05 Urban.T05 /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /EMMEANS=TABLES(Occupation.HealthCodes.T05) WITH(Age.T05=MEAN Gender.T05=MEAN EthL2.Maori.T05=MEAN EthL2.Pacific.T05=MEAN EthL2.Asian.T05=MEAN Religious.T05=MEAN Parent.T05=MEAN Partner.T05=MEAN Urban.T05=MEAN) COMPARE ADJ(BONFERRONI) /PRINT=OPOWER ETASQ HOMOGENEITY PARAMETER /CRITERIA=ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN=Age.T05 Gender.T05 EthL2.Maori.T05 EthL2.Pacific.T05 EthL2.Asian.T05 Religious.T05 Parent.T05 Partner.T05 Urban.T05 Occupation.HealthCodes.T05. *demographics CROSSTABS /TABLES=Occupation.HealthCodes.T05 BY Gender.T05 EthL2.Euro.T05 Religious.T05 Parent.T05 Urban.T05 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT /COUNT ROUND CELL. * demographics for full sample FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Gender.T05 EthL2.Euro.T05 Urban.T05 Religious.T05 /STATISTICS=STDDEV MEAN /ORDER=ANALYSIS. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Age.T05 Personal.INC.T05 /SAVE /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. *high vaccine support in adult NZ population overall (using sample weighting) WEIGHT BY w.GendEthnicRegion.T05. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=VaccCat HLTH.ChildVaccination.T05 /ORDER=ANALYSIS.